Been lurking around in the shadows for what seems like an eternity, I've decided to join the forum, mainly to meet other like-minded and playful kittlets and their owners. :)
I'm Lulu, originally from Denmark, but have since moved to the UK, a choice that I am certainly not regretting here on my second year, even though I do plan to relocate further in the future. :)
BDSM, I believe it first and innocently crossed my path at the age of 14 and being naturally submissive, I just felt fascinated with an urge to explore it all deeper but I wasn't of an eligible age to do so. It was a darker, yet purer and more intriguing shade of the adult-world. I repressed my urges back then and denied it, as I have done several times since, having strived and forced myself to live the vanilla-life as my parents, who are basically ice-creams, would like me to. However, I've never had many kind words to say for today's society. I am so much more free in the velvet chains of one I truly love and serve with both heart and mind, than the cold and limitative chains that society seems to force upon us from birth.
Also, it should be said that I am Gorean, sometimes kitty, sometimes not. I know many look upon Goreans with a raised brow and biased opinions, and no, I don't believe in the Priest-Kings, nor do I tolerate abuse. Having read the books by John Norman, it is the philosophy that intrigues and draws me in, something I feel like I agree with on so many deeper than conscious levels.
I am currently focusing on studies in Drama and Music. My hobbies outside of BDSM include: Animals (Particulary canines and felines, birds, horses and rodents) Art (There are so many artists that I just loooove... Though I enjoy drawing, it isn't always so pleasing to the eye.) Writing/Poetry (My greatest way of self-councelling) Drama and Theatre (My favorite play being The Phantom of the Opera) Music (I'm currently the vocalist in one. My music influences are metal, opratic, progressive, rock, classical, ambient) Anime/Manga Martial Arts (I've done karate for several years) and sometimes video games, usually anime-related, depends on how much time I can waste, really. :) I currently do not have an owner and I wouldn't say that I am desperate for one, I believe it happens when it happens. :)
Hope I didn't go on digressing too much, I am prone to just babble on and on when given the chance. :) Anyways, it's nice to be here. Meowrr~~! *Purrs loudly*
-- Edited by Desert Rose on Saturday 3rd of October 2009 03:40:06 PM
Nice to meet you ^^ rare to see people from Denmark, Danish myself :) personalliy, I'm a fox. Happen to have seen Spice and wolf? just saw you is interested in Anime and it's nice and a bit related to this :)