Hell for.... gotta be kuntry... you haven't LIVED till you'd had my fried okra, fried chicken, fried green tomatoes, fried squash, fried possum (seeing a trend here yet?)
yiffy toon or real kitteh?
Suffer the Little Ones, for they shall rise up to beat you senseless...
Hmm. Do I get to eat with paws if the bowl's on the floor? (I've seen some real kitties eat with paws from their bowls and it's ADORABLE.) If so, bowl on the floor + paws.
No tail! Ha ha, what a boring answer. But, hey, it's a personalized game. I'm not big on the publicity thing. *says the girl who performed on stage in lingerie, ears and a tail for 1000 people last fall* No, seriously. When it comes to people I know in real life, I tend to like to keep my sex life private.
Keeping with the tail questions: fluffy, bottle-brush, Persian-esque tail or short-furred, slim, Siamese-esque tail?
I've never been to Disneyland, but from various research I've done online, I think Walt Disney World sounds better. Plus it's easier to drive to Disney World from where I live and I love long driving trips.
Oh my god, I might get to go to Walt Disney World next summer! SOEXCITED. *loves Disney* I wouldn't eat the giant mousies, but I would eat many, many mousie-shaped ice creams/pancakes/waffles/everythings...though more out of extreme Disney-love that...um...causes me to want to decapitate their mascot than out of cattishness.
Come to think of it, selling edible goods shaped like your mascot's head is a bit of a weird marketing move...
Let me see...*thinks, but is a bit distracted by talk of Disney AND spanking*
D/s without any S&M, or egalitarian S&M without any D/s?