I am a new entrant to the scene. Been interested in being an owner for over a year now and have, until recently, been unable to find any areas of community where people into pet play met and talked. I was given this site by someone in #petgirls on irc and am still dancing around the room gleefully.
I'm looking forward to reading through all the info and meeting you all. I had almost dispaired of meeting any actual pets in my part of the world (Australia) and I hope to meet both other owners and potential adoptees. :)
I'm keen to hear other peoples experiances with the scene and the ideal would be to meet my very own petgirl here to take care of.
Anyway. I'll leave it at that and hopefully get to know you all over the next wee while.
Thank you all for the warm welcome. I've been reading like a deamon and trying to catch up with all the posts. It's quite an interesting board. It's quite refreshing to see such a diverse group of people here.
Also been learing a lot from the pets point of view reading the pets talk forums. It's been really informative and I can't wait to put some of it into action.