I'm looking for a good dog tail butt plug and found a design I like but I want it in brown. Here is the 1 I found http://www.extremerestraints.com/dog-tail-butt-plug_1458.html I have found it in black as well but if anyone know where to get a brown one please post link.
If life deals you lemons, stick in copper and zink wires to power your death ray and take over the world.
Ok, I know this link is like FOREVER OLD and probably dead and buried but I think I can help you if you're still interested. That includes helping to design your own equipment (which I love doing!!! as a slave). The link is not coming up but considering it's from extreme restraints (a site I LOVE btw... lots of love going on?) it's either the fox tail or the rubber/metal one that curves up and makes a happy or sad dog depending on how you turn it. Am I right?
ok so here's the idea. As long as you don't alter the insertable part you should be able to do just about anything to change the color... but a slave is better safe than sorry, lol. So.... two options.
Option 1: Foam paint brush. Kitchen grade silicone in the color of your choice (Lowes and Home Depot have like 6 different colors of brown, white, black, and everything else). Paint on a few layers (in thin coats) until you get the color you're looking for, and yes you can mix and match colors too (bring out your inner Picasso!) just make sure each previous coat is totally dry. And notice I said silicone, not caulk. Caulk can crack and peel and it is actually a little toxic, yuck. Silicone just doesn't die. I use it for my real fur tails when I had to adjust the size of the... uh... base (OMG they're doing prison measurements on those things!!!). Don't put the silicone on the insertable part. It probably wouldn't hurt you but again, a safe sub is a happy sub.
Option 2: Can you sew? Very simple shape. Basic sewing skills. Lay the tail on the back of whatever fabric you want (faux fur, real fur, velvet, etc.....). Trace around it. Remove tail. Now lay the fabric on top of another piece of fabric, fur sides facing in, backing facing out on both sides (bffb). Sew around the shape an extra half inch to an inch outside of line. Cut another quarter inch around the shape you just sewed, turn it inside out, test fit it on the tail. You can keep sewing down on the inside until it fits well then just use hot glue or silicone (god, that stuff is amazing) to glue the inside of the pouch onto the tail. Then you have a fuzzy tail!
Okay, trying to teach, but I don't think I'm too good at it, lol. Do I need to re-word anything or clarify anything? And the reason I know this stuff is 'cause my first dom never used anything on me that he himself didn't make. I learned to make my own impliments of torture early on (floggers, dragon's tongues, bondage equipment) and now that I have moved on to pet play I'm finding this info very useful ::grin::
This is wicked old I know, and I have nothing important to say. This is just my first posting and I thought I would share the fact that I have seen the toy you are talking about and absolutely love it.