Do you feel more like your petself depending on your mood (outside of specifically playing)? Outside of specifically being in puppy mode I find myself feeling even more of my puppy side than normal when I'm really happy or when I'm feeling anxious and unsettled. I wonder if it's just me or if others have a similar experience.
I can totally relate to your words :) Especially when i'm feeling anxious..when i had an owner, everytime i felt anxious or unsettled i'd look around as if to see him..he was almost never there but oh well
I think a lot of people who have submissive tendencies tend to feel more submissive when they're stressed and anxious. And since being a pet is usually a submissive role, feeling anxious probably makes one feel kittenish. I know when nothing's going right, I just want to curl up in a little ball of helpless fluff and have someone else fix everything.
*Nods* I have the lovely experience of dealing with a fever right now. I can never decide if I want Sir to cuddle up with me, or just leave me be, snuggled under two thick blankets...and a space heater directed right at me. But Sir's being very sweet and taking good care of his kitty. I just wish that I wasn't sick in the first place.
Judge not, lest ye be judged. Keep your mind open, and always be willing to learn. ~Stray~
I feel like this too sometimes, when you just want to hide from everything an have someone look after you. I also sometimes have "triggers", things I see or do that make me feel more kitten-ish, if that makes sense?
I always act somewhat like a pet, but I'm more of a cuddly Kitten when Master makes me happy. I've been on a depressed streak for a while, which doesn't help with anything :(
since my current change in petlife (is a wolf now) when ever i am away from my Mate/Mistress i usally curl up with a plushie she gave me and whimper and call out her name hoping she can hear me