My Collarme account is here. My profile there says everything really. It doesn't mention kitty play in any detail, but then, I'm not sure what I can say. as I've not had a kitty before!
I wouldn't want a 24/7 kitty relationship, but I would want a 24/7 D/s relationship, with kitty play thrown in. Alternatively, a kitty-only relationship of sorts might be nice. By that I mean... this might sound weird but, imagine the kitty equivilent of a **** buddy i.e. someone I am not in a relationship with, but with whom I can meet up with when I feel the need for a kitty (or when kitty needs attention!). This might or might not be sexual. My preference, of course, is for a relationship.
Any questions or anything you think I have missed, do ask/say so
I don't think you'll have much trouble finding a kitten :P You're adorable and have some great posts and comments, you seem like you'd make a good master! Good luck!
Love me. Pet me. Feed me. Pet's name: Hailey Adopt your own!
i just looked at your CM profile and my you want a lot of things in your girl, its nice to see someone going into the little things aswell as the 'main' things people tend to say they're looking for
kitten xxx
*to be in service is to constantly strive for perfection* *Masters little kitten*