I was wondering if any Kitty knows how to purr or has found an alternative solution?
Personally I'd love to be able to purr but considering scientists still haven't figured out how real cats can manage I doubt we meer humans could succeed.
I'd like to know how the other kitties manage
-- Edited by Tygra at 09:45, 2008-07-26
Meeting You was fate, belonging to You is a blessing... Life is too short for false friendships! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Happily owned by Master Morhion
I can't roll my tongue, but I figured out how to do a...reverse roll? So it sounds like a purr, but I can only do it while breathing in. If I could just roll my tongue properly, I bet I could do a continuous purr!
-- Edited by Saberrah at 06:07, 2008-07-28
Judge not, lest ye be judged. Keep your mind open, and always be willing to learn. ~Stray~
I don't know how I do it exactly... kinda a back of the throat thing, almost a growl but less deep... I can't do it long though, just a short one. I know people who can sound soooo much like the real thing but they can't explain how they do it....
Love me. Pet me. Feed me. Pet's name: Hailey Adopt your own!
I can't roll my tongue, but I figured out how to do a...reverse roll? So it sounds like a purr, but I can only do it while breathing in. If I could just roll my tongue properly, I bet I could do a continuous purr!
-- Edited by Saberrah at 06:07, 2008-07-28
I thought I was the only one who could do that! YAY I am not a freak!
I just roll my tongue, the same way Faete says she does it. I've always been able to do it. I suppose it's always been in my nature to be a kitten then? ^.^
I also can make noises in the back of my throat, but I can do it less often than rolling my tongue.
I roll or 'snap' my tongue up against the roof of my mouth while exhaling.. start it off with a "hurh' sound and it seems to take off into a soft, long purr from there. Wish I could do it on the inhale too like Saberrah then it would be pretty constant. ..alas.. for now it's just as long as the biggest breath i can take in.
Side note... been spending time with someone lately. We were cuddling and I was nuzzling his chest stretched out along him on the sofa and started to purr. He hugged me closer and pet my hair...I'm still too shy to bring up my kitty fetish to him. But his dominant but caring attitude and response to my purr and glint in his eye when he pet me makes me think something wonderfully yummy might be brewing.
*perches on the window sill...keeping a watchful gaze over her abode*
Congrats Miss Mew :) Sounds like he might be a winner!
I haven't quite figured out a good purr... I kinda sound like a pidgeon on crack. o_o; So I mostly meow and make those little excited pidgeon noises that kinda sound like if a cat was really excited. lolz. I make up for the lack of being able to purr in other actions!
Ironically... my dom purrs better than I do. *shivers* Always makes me melt ;)
In my Russian language class, my teacher was very zealous about us learning how to roll our R's properly. The technique she taught us was to say the word rubarbar while rolling the R's. It's kinda like rrrrrrrubarrrrbarrrr
well, here is how I do it, I don't roll my tongue and make the "r" it can be done but is difficult to keep up!
Here is my alternative version for the purr!
If you actually listen to a cat carefully, they aren't making an "r" sound, they are making a deep almost rattle like sound in the back of there throats.
So...I make a "row" sound, in the deepest voice I can manage then focus on the "ow" part and sustain it right down in this rattle like noise, the closest thing I can think that imitates this is the ghost from the horror movie the grudge XD that noise but only in a "row" sound
lol wow that's impossible to explain, I should just make a vid on it!
It's rather enjoyable to work on perfecting my purr... and even better now that he is requesting it when we're together now and I'm curled up against him.
Purring just kinda comes naturally to me, maybe because I can't whistle. But then again I'm one of those people with a zillion allergies. When I have drainage down the back of my throat I loose the ability completely.
-On A Never Ending Quest To Be Sexy Without Being Trashy
I do a sort of growl-purr that I can't actually do if I try to force myself...it just kinda comes.
If one were to put their hand to my throat, you can feel the vibration...I basically do a vibrating growl, and I can do it on the out-breath, and am getting pretty good at doing it on the in-breath. Problem is, I can't really practice it, because if I try to force it, then it doesn't work too well. I have to be very relaxed...I guess because it requires my vocal cords to be relaxed enough to vibrate properly.
It doesn't sound like a domestic Kat's purr, it's more of a growl-purr, but I'm a leopard....it's appropriate.
I can also do the rolling tongue, but only on the out-breath, so I use that only if I have to force a purr.
two different ways I can do it...one is with my mouth closed and the very back of my tongue and through vibrate making a deep sounding purr but if i want a soft type of purr then the tip of my tongue at the roof or my mouth and push air through it...makes it vibrate
I thought that with all the new kitties coming around we ought to revive this topic.
I once asked Faete how to purr. I can roll r's at the back of my tongue and the front, and I can do the reverse roll like Saberrah, but I couldn't do it all long enough to make a continuous purr. So, I do what Faete does, but it's the same thing. I tried doing what Ansinthe suggested, but I just can't make it sound sexy.
I guess I just need to practice. I'd love to be able to have a soft, continuous purr.
Pink and Fuzzy wild animals are STILL wild animals
while reading the thread, i tried to imangine all the purrs ... sounds so cute ^.^
well, i can purr too (as a master lol ^^) ... really good by rolling the "r" with the tongue. easy for me and my teacher was a german hardrock musical group ... xD
currently, i teach a cute girl to purr ... difficult, but her purring is soooo cuuute (and not perfect, yet!)
sry for my english - it's terrible ^-^ ~/°-°\~ i am a writer stories & poems ~\.-./~ current project: "Other Life II - Revenge of Hell" a story about a lonely hero and his girlfriend, a cute kitten ...
i can't roll my r's! it would be nice if i could, because i'm a singer... but i can fake it well enough when i perform!
what i CAN do, though... is kind of gargle. i think it sounds like a purr. no liquid other than my own natural saliva, but it works. and i can do it for an extra-long time (because i'm also an oboist), but only on the exhale!
Current relationship status: Owned by Sui Juris Cattus
High Priestess of Bast in the new race of the Sphynx
I can't purr either... When I try it comes out very loud, and that's not nice and cute as it's supposed to be. Maybe it has to do with that I can't roll my r's.
I pull air slowly across my vocal cords and vibrate them at a rate where you can actually hear the individual peak of each rattle. I can do this both inhaling and exhaling. If my mouth is open it sounds vaguely like a lawnmower engine on the exhale. With my mouth closed it sounds like a deep cat purr. Of course, I'm a quite obviously male kitty (when I'm being kitteney) so I can get away with the very very VERY low timbre of the sound I make.
My grandma's cat always sounded like a motorboat when he purrs. I just make the same sound. I can sustain it for quite a long time, but the sound doesn't come only from my mouth it comes mainly from my nose. I don't know how I do it though, I just do. Only reason I noticed it came from my nose is because if I open or close my mouth the noise doesn't change much, but if I cover my nose it sounds muffled. I used to try and mimic my grandma's cat when I was little that is how I learned to do it my way. Grandma used to say she couldn't tell who which one of us was purring when he was on my lap (she was probably just being nice). Anyway that is how I do it.
I have been able to purr for years. Started when my cat and I got into a argument, about his being put in his cage to goto the kitty Dr. Well he started to purr almost daring me to purr back, since he was male he thought that he could show up this little female kitty. I showed him. =^.^= Since that day I have been able to purr.
Basicly I hold my mouth open but my lips closed or almost closed. I pull my tongue back till it is cupped like I have something hot in my mouth and I do not want my tongue to touch it. With the tip of my tongue touching the roof of my mouth behind my teeth (and I do mean the tip). I then exhale across my tongue till the tip vibrates against the area behind my teeth. To change the pitch all depends on how and when you open and close your mouth. If I want a long slow low purrr I exhale slowly and keep my lips closed except for the tiny, and I mean tiny opening (usually a slit) to let the air out..
My lord loves to play with my hair and scratch my ears as I purr for him.
Who wants to pet the lap kitty? A fun loving snuggle kitty who loves to be cuddled and stroked.
Spanish helps, lol. If you've ever learned the spanish alphabet think about the (Erah) the second R in it and it should help. Personally I learned from being around my own real pets for so long, I've had cats since I was born so I just got it from there.
I roll my tongue, but every once and a while I make a low gutteral growl, but that's only if I'm Echo, one of my fursona's, but it does escape every now and then, mostly I just roll my tongue, but the tongue piercing does get in the way sometimes >_