i did some kitten play at the party last night. The toy people who wanted to play knew each other well and at first tried to rush at me together full force. i was gentle with them, but i kind of pushed them over one by one and gave their face a lick saying" i got you". i thought at first doing that a few times, they may settle the rushing at me bit and do more of a calm meeting. They did not settle well. i am a tiger kitten, and as such, am not the one to attack like a group attack on me is the wisest. i was always gentle with them, but the constant rushing me did get a bit old. Finally, there was a calmer meet and greet. This lasted two seconds as then they rushed about at me again. i needed a toy to make the games better because the wrestling was okay, but i just push them over, lick defeat them, and then it is suppose to move on to the next step. One of them bit my neck lightly. i did not over react, knowing these were friendly attempts at play, but not anyone can just bite a tiger and do not do it lightly when they do. Only my Sir has that right, and He has is by right of my Sir and the strong Bear energy in Him. i started to bite her back, but caught myself because it was not in the same spirit as her was given. Then, i just used several rounds of keeping my eyes on her and hissing at her to keep her at bay while i got me away from that situation. She really triggered more of a reaction in me than she meant to.i was good, and the play ended well at least.