I have kind of a strange question, or at least i think it is. I love being a kitty girl, and being a submissive. But truthfully i am a switch. It depends as much on who as my mood. Do you think it is wrong to be a pet, and have a pet? I would peoples opinions on this.......
Not strange! My ex and I were/are (oh god, verb tenses are confusing) each others kitties. We'd switch off on who was the human and who was the kitten day by day or even hour by hour, depending on how we felt. I also fooled around with a Master/puppygirl couple once with the dynamic that I was sort of the puppy's pet kitten.
Thanks. I am still debating on if i want a kitten of my own, i haven't decided yet. I know i want an owner.....but i can be kinda picky. So i don't know......oh well. Thanks for your opinion!
Well, you don't have to decide tonight :) I always thought it would be sort of cool to live in a stable triad. So many possibilities. But I guess also so much room for drama. At the moment I'm having enough trouble finding one person to be with :P
Yea, I kinda know how you feel. There is one guy i like, but for some reason all other guys.....i don't know, the idea of dating any other guy is just weird. I guess im going through a 'girl faze', lol. Its a term me and a friend came up with. I am bi, and right now i more like the idea of finding a girl. But for now, i just want some kitty friends! I only have one, and she is moving away *cries*
Thanks for your opinions everyone. And Kenoke, my brain was not working last night, otherwise i would have asked! Total idiot move on my part, lol. Well for now i am just a stray.
I believe it to be very typical feline to a switch.
Cats may be kept as pets, but they often think of themselves being in charge. (Hence such slogans as "Cats don't have owners; they have followers.")
Though felines don't keep an obvious hierarchy as their canine cousins, but they like having someone below them (perhaps tis why they like to climb). So I think that a happy household would have another pet (sub or switch) for the feline to play with when they are in their more dominant moods.
I'm a bottom heavy switch, but am always a kitten, it's just my personality. I've always thought of kittens as having a dominant streak anyways, so I never saw anything wrong with being a kitten and a switch.
kitty plus switch would be fun....if mistress would let her mistressness out of the closet for regular excercise more often but she is like shy around her friends and family so it mean that littly kitty, *points to self* me, gets to be silent and be hidden...sigh