There are plans afoot to have some sort of munch or party for people who are into pet play in the Northern parts of the UK. I myself and a few others are tempted to come along.
There was a general pet meet in warrington a few moths back. It was the same weekend as a pony play meeting that was up in preston. i went to both and they were alot of fun.
From what i heard the pony meet was one of the biggest anyone had seen in the UK with about 10 ponies and maybe 15 or riders and watchers. We even had people coming over from Sweeden!
The organisers have a converted barn in warrington and the next day there was a pet munch organised. this was a bit smaller but we did have people who came all the way down from the north of scotland. there was another kitty there as well as some puppies. I tried to get into the kitty mindset but it wasn't working (need more practice maybe) so i ended up being a pony again.
if you want more details ask me or look on IC for the posts.