Have you ever done it? It's a big thing with my Master (sometimes even publicly *blush*), but just recently I sort of realised that cats don't actually go on leash that often in real life, and that it's mainly focused to dogs, so would make more sense with puppy play, yet still we do it? Does anyone else?
I don't know what it is about being on a leash that makes me so hot, but it does. *blush* :) Master *sometimes* takes me out in public on one, but mainly, it is for us at home.
We even have a leash chained to the kitchen stove, in case he wants me to work in there without running away. ;)
The handle of the leash has a button so you can unbutton it to wrap it around things. It's wrapped around the stove handle, and Master had me make a little pouch that the leash could dangle in so it wouldn't make a lot of noise when we aren't using it. I'm attatching a pic if you wanna see.
I primarily identify as a puppy so my opinion might not be worth as much *g* but I love being on a leash whether I'm in puppy or kitten mode, partly because it means I have my collar on. We've never gone out in public that way. I think we might have on Halloween if we'd been able to get together (I'm a little too chicken still to do it at other times) but maybe in the future.
I love being on the leash. Even if it's not exactly kitty like, it does make me feel more like my Owners pet. This past Saturday (Nov 1st), we went to a Day of the Dead play party, and Sir had me on the leash the whole time. It was the first time I've ever been on the leash in front of anyone other than a couple of friends (there was over forty people there). What struck me though was the fact that it felt so natural. *Giggles* Sir even had me crawl the whole time. I absolutely loved it and I do hope we'll have more chances for him to lead me around on the leash in more public places.
Judge not, lest ye be judged. Keep your mind open, and always be willing to learn. ~Stray~
Me and my kitten almost always use a leash and collar. We've been talking about doing it in public, and both of us like the idea, although we haven't gotten around to it yet.
Although yes leashes are more heavilly associated with dogs, it does still compliment the dom/sub relationship. And there a lot of things that people do with activities like this that, while unrealistic, are what they want to do. Such as my kitten and I's replacement of a tail (due to unavailability at the moment) with a diaper. Again, not realistic, but fun and works just fine for us .
We do in private. and while it is used more for puppies, it makes me feel more like i am owned and Him, more like He owns me. and we have harnesses to attach a leash to for my kittens, the only reason you usually don't use just a leash is because cats are prone to slipping out of their collars if there is enough room (created by the leash)
I'll vouch for CollarFactory's collars being extremely comfortable!
I don't have anyone to walk me around on a leash, really. (Curse the long-distance relationship sometimes) But I do have a wallet chain, I think it is, that I occasionally hook to my collar and then to my belt loop. =3
"Well, then, you see, a dog growls when it's angry, and wags its tail when it's pleased. Now I growl when I'm pleased, and wag my tail when I'm angry. Therefore I'm mad." -The Cheshire Cat
the guy across the road from me used to walk his cat, and we used to put our cats on leads when we first got them, to get them used to the area so they wouldn't get lost
Master walks me on a lead and i still tend to do my own thing *very much like cats do*
i think cats on leads are different to dogs on leads, coz you have to take dogs for a walk, you dont with cats
kitten xxx
*to be in service is to constantly strive for perfection* *Masters little kitten*
Master would love to take me out in public on a leash. I'm still not sure about this, having people stare at me- at us- when I've spent my whole life trying to be invisible and avoiding attention...
Plus I'm not sure how it would work because we've noticed when I'm leashed I turn into a mischief playful kitty, don't really know why. We'll see what happens when the time comes
Meeting You was fate, belonging to You is a blessing... Life is too short for false friendships! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Happily owned by Master Morhion
I love it. ^_^ Though I've only been leashed publically once, lol.
The first time Sir bought me a lease was in a pet store at the mall, and apparently the girl behind the counter noticed the collar I was wearing and actually said to him something to the effect of, "So you gonna put it on her now or later?" xD Hehehe.
"No cat out of its first fur was ever deceived by appearances, unlike human beings, who seem to enjoy it."
Unfortunately I haven't had a kitty yet, but sometimes I think that if you have a kitty that doesn't make it out often enough, or untrained you may need to throw a leash on to keep them safe. Also makes it a little easier than carrying them around Petco. ~.^
Master puts me on a leash sometimes, only if I'm being naughty, so he ties me to the bed post so I can't go anywhere. Or when we are doing "stuff" and then he uses the leash.
Yes in real life cats do not walk on a leash. I used to be a professional pet groomer and we did not EVER put the nuse on a cat the way we did a dog for grooming. Cats need to wear a harness because the neck of a cat is to fragile and if it were to take a flying leap of the grooming table and hang by its neck its neck would snap where as a dog could hang for a while by its neck before it would die because it has a much stronger neck. If you ever see anyone with a leash on a cats neck like a dog tell them to not do it because the cat could die.
I think there is nothing hotter then a collar and leash on a pretty boy and I still want to lead someone around like that, there is something so submissively hot about it that gets me excited. RAWR!
I have never done it except for on the internet in cyber. It is hard to find a kitty to own around here. Not everyone I explain this fetish of mine to gets it ya know?
What do you cats think about the idea of incorporating a cat harness into your kitten play repitoir?
If I wore a bondage harness around my chest...my mate would probably pick me up by it. XD For that reason I think I'd want to stick to a collar for now...but I don't mind wearing a harness otherwise. Ah the occasional kinda-painful set backs of being a pocket gay. XD
wile leashing a real cat is out of the question i have leashed my wife/kitten/sub often enough (weekly). sometimes in private, sometimes on walks - i always have my leash with me and she (obviously) wears her collar all the time.
if i feel she needs to be leashed (to exited, being overly jumpy, whatever) i'll have her leashed. either i'll hold the leash or i'll leash her to a post/ring/stuff so she stays where i want her.
as for leashing her usualy jsut he collar + leash, other then that i've been taking some bondage classes to get a better grasp on knots (i only know a half-dozen knots and about 40-50 bondage "ties". so i want to expand my repetiore) and tried a rope-harnass with a rope-leash attached etc...
so wile leashing is not exactly kittenlike, it deffinetly helps out the D/s aspects. ;)
a friend once took me to the local shops on a leash when we'd ran out of milk lol, and the shop owner who was this really sweet guy, he knew me from an early age, his eyes nearly popped out of his head. he watched us walk away shaking his head, but it actually made me feel bolder. for some strange reason :)