I am sick today :( On a bunch of not fun antibiotics
I am curious though, when you are sick, how do you act? Do you come out of the kitten role or are you just a sick kitty?
For the Masters, how do you treat your kitten when she is sick? (Do you make jokes in the car on the way to the doctors about how you are taking them to the vet? ;p )
if anything i go even more into kitty mode when im sick, the last time Master was with me i got sick and he tooked me up in bed and looked after me and gave me loads of snuggles - my 'vet' (doctor) scares me so i dont go :p
kitten xxx
*to be in service is to constantly strive for perfection* *Masters little kitten*
I just recently got over being sick myself, and I honestly don't know if I became more kitty like or not. All I do know is that Sir looked after me and gave me tons of pets and snuggles, made me soup and just plain refused to let me move around, which greatly helped me to feel better. Petting is so relaxing =^.^=
Judge not, lest ye be judged. Keep your mind open, and always be willing to learn. ~Stray~
I have sort of a "distress mew" which I only make when I don't feel well, or am injured.
Master will usually take super good care of me and tuck me in with my plushies. Oh, and he makes me special soup whenever I am *really* sick. ^_^ And then I am better in no time. Hooray! *purrs*
(Feel better Miss. A!)
My kink is not your kink, but your kink is OK.
Macula's Red Vinyl Kitty for over 5 years and counting...
If I can speak as a regular human? I think its safe to say with a low imune system I feel generally tired a lot of the time, and generally pretty misserable when I am ill, having had heat stroke and glanduar fever (sp) its taken a toll on me:(
When I get sick although, not with sir right at this moment I still get attacked with text messages of worry and callings on the phone asking me how I feel how much medicane I take. He is constantly worrying about how much I am taking making sure I drink a WHOLE glass of water every hour. After a few days of this it can be truely over taking but, I don't mind the extra attention that he shows being worried. :D
Never been around my kitten while she's sick, but I'd imagine I'd be very adamant in making sure she doesn't life a finger. Probably to the point of her becoming annoyed.
Now, for my real reason for this post. Sick shows! Most people (that I know) have one or two shows they have to watch while they're sick. Mine is Buffy The Vampire Slayer, without a doubt. Especially the musical episode.
I used to have a sick *book* when I was a kid: The Jolly Postman. I always made my mom read it to me. I still have it, actually. I should probably go read it.
But seriously, when I have a cold, I really don't behave that much different either. I don't want to go to school/work, obviously, but I'm just as capable as ever at hanging around at home and wasting time on the internet, which is my usual past time :D I don't need to be pampered beyond being brought the occasional cup of tea.
The only exception was when I had strep throat. That was...an experience. I was more exhausted than I've ever been in my life. I was actually chatting online with someone as the bug started to hit and I was so tired I stopped stretching my finger to use the shift key to capitalize my letters. And I am a HUGE grammar whore. I just...couldn't do it. It was the first and so far only time in my entire college career that I actually had to skip an exam and get a doctor's note because the thought of lifting the course's 1400 page text book instantly put me to sleep. So then I was pretty reliant on my parents to do...everything for me, because getting out of bed equaled fainting and smashing into things. Woulda been more fun with a master/mistress.
In a way I love it when a girl gets ill, which sounds really bad! But girls are cute when they're ill, colds give them sexy voices and they can be quite silly when they're not thinking straight, and they're just so adorable when they don't want to get out their pyjamas (and I do love a girl in pyjamas) and just curl up in bed with a hot water bottle. Plus I love taking care of them, bringing them said hot water bottle, their meals on a plate, tailored to their particular ailment (jelly and ice cream for a sore throat etc), mugs of honey and lemon or Lemsip or whatever, making sure she takes her medicine, laying with her and stroking her hair, reading to her, clearing up all the tissues she tosses everywhere. It's nice :) Especially when she wants to say thankyou when shee's better ;)
EDIT: Occurred to me that the Americans here might find the dish "jelly and ice cream" a bit odd. I mean "jello and ice cream" :P
aw, that sounds so sweet! =( i've had a horrible cough for the past 3 weeks, and i just love it when master cuddles with me when i don't feel well. he, on the other hand, hates cuddling when he's sick! he likes video games!
Current relationship status: Owned by Sui Juris Cattus
High Priestess of Bast in the new race of the Sphynx
sorry to hear you've been poorly Miss A, when i'm sick...i'm sick and master looks after me. theres not much you can do. probably makes me more kitty like too, cause i'm all weak and stuff.