So what are some of the rewards you kitties have gotten when you're extra good?
Today was one of my best days...
Master and i went on a mini excursion out of town last night and today...last night he got his way(meaning I had NO say) and I was reduced to a bound up mewing mess on the hotel bed...he flogged me, tortured me, etc all the while I couldnt move. I LOVED IT. It's nice to have gotten out of the apt and not worry so much about noise.
Today He absolutely spoiled me. He took me to the MALL. We ate at this 'rainforest cafe' which was absolutely gorgeous. They had mini thunderstorms(no rain though, thankfully), a starscape above one part, and the rest was jungle vines, trees, etc. filled with moving animals(fake of course). Monkeys hooting, birds screeching, elephants, tigers growling, a waterfall, aquariums here and there, and music...needless to say kitten was in her element. So many distractions I could barely eat!!!!
We walked for a bit and Master surprised me again by paying for a massage..which I enjoyed especially since I have back problems anyway.
Then I got to feed some stingrays and even PET a few!
Then Master was really nice and bought me a lion king poster(after some near groveling right there). It gets better. We went on to Spencers, Hot Topic, etc...stayed and walked for a good while, then went to another mall, in which Master did something very very risky. He took me to a candy store and told me to get what I wanted. Ooooooohhhh boy....swedish fish, gummy sharks, 2 ft candy boas, chocolates, jelly beans, etc everything you can think of to make for a very hyper kitty.
It was such a fun packed day it would take to long to write(and probably bore you to death!)
The icing on the cake? Kitten got some *very special* cream in a bowl when we got back...EEEEP!!!!!!
Let's see. When I am really good my rewards range a lot.
maybe he will give me a swedish fish, or goldfish cracker.
Maybe I will get to play video games.
Back when I had hair, it was down past my waist, and Master used to brush me!
There are days when he will come home with a package. Last week he came home and had a plush germ he promised me a while back if I was good, as well as a cool shirt which lights up to the beat of music! I had to be real good to get it though.
Sometimes Master will bring me out to the store and buy me things.
But in general, weather good or bad, I am spoiled rotten. ^_^ *purrrrr*
My kink is not your kink, but your kink is OK.
Macula's Red Vinyl Kitty for over 5 years and counting...
wow that sounds like you had great fun, you sound very lucky to have a Master that will let you run riot in a sweet shop lol and that cafe sounds so cool!
usualy if ive been good i get a little chocolate treat, but Master looks after me so well im always getting little treats lol Master went away for a few days last week and brought me back a wand! perfect size,shape and weight aswell, and very basic aswell which matches in well with me Athame (oh yer im on kittenplay not CoA, enough with the pagan talk :p) but the best gifts ive had off him has got to have been my 22inch steel boned snobz corset *squee* and then the HUGE amount of stuff he got me from Lush a couple of weeks ago and i should probably stop now im getting quite hyper :p
-- Edited by Kitten at 08:18, 2008-08-20
kitten xxx
*to be in service is to constantly strive for perfection* *Masters little kitten*
omg I had a plush microbe, his name was Master flu, you may have seen him in some of our videos ;.; I loved him very much, he used to sleep in my kittenbed with me... Until....
The dog came and mauled him, and he lost his face *wails*
omg I had a plush microbe, his name was Master flu, you may have seen him in some of our videos ;.; I loved him very much, he used to sleep in my kittenbed with me... Until....
The dog came and mauled him, and he lost his face *wails*
OH, NO!!! I loved that little thing! xD
You and your Master make me giggle everytime I watch that part. RIP Flu Virus. x3
"No cat out of its first fur was ever deceived by appearances, unlike human beings, who seem to enjoy it."