Right so, how far would you go? Well...let's see what we have so far...
Collar - Check! Tail - (pending) ...Check! Cat ears/puppy ears etc - Check! Fursuit - eh, it's not for me but uhm...*blinks* Moving along! Make-up - I don't use it, but for those that do.....check!
A few years back I used to wear violet coloured contacts...but eventually I grew both tired and annoyed of having to spend about 20 minutes in the bathroom, every morning to put them on. (On top of that, if they slipped the wrong direction...I'd end up bouncing around the bathroom, screeching in terror and trying my best to re-position them before they could.....well, disappear. xD)
Question: Would you try them?
A few minutes ago I came across some really interesting cat-eyed contacts. I felt a little tempted to dish out a bit of cash for them, seeing as though they'd go so well with my ears...and well, complete my overall look. *smiles sheepishly*
Aye, they are quite lovely. *Smiles* Pricey too, I suppose. I just don't wanna...spend...extra time in the bathroom trying NOT to gouge out my own eyes. xD
these ones are expensive, but some of the best on the market without requiring an eye exam. I've worn them (not exact same but similar) before and they have little visual distortion at all.
I'm still looking for a completely customizable contact store online. 99.9% of them require you come to some eye exam place in a city far far away. lol.
I was watching a tv show about just this earlier, I've always wanted cat contacts, I have some plain ones but they don't get worn much, I imagine colored or kitty ones would!
@LoveBunny: Oh wow, I really like the ones in the linky you posted. ^^ *bookmarks* - I'll keep my eyes open for other online stores which do customs. n_nV....and don't require the long trek out to some...store hidden in a creepy, dark, alley. *shudders* @_@;
@Kitten: Neither do I, but once they're in...they're in! And you look wonderful. ^.^ (until you need to remove them later on in the day)
@Crystal: Yeppers. u~u But
@Miss A: O.o Well if you ever do get a pair, you'll need to take lotsa pictures for us. n_n *le squee* I bet they'd look pretty amazing. Hmmm...wonder how you'd look in white cat contacts...with black irises. *ponders*
@Mynx: Hehe, yep. These little things can be quite troublesome. >.
I tried Cat Contacts once for about 4 weeks... I got lots and lots of comments but the big issue was that the vertical pupils woulden't stay vertical. I would constantly have to re-adjust them to keep them streight or i would start looking like a kat that fought a dog too much and ended up with a lazy kitty eye, or worse, I'd end up cross eyed or slannt eyed or any combination of eyes that you could think of.
They do look awesome though, I think lady kitties are gonna have a better time with them than guy kitties cause' at least you carry makeup mirrors with ya or have friends that have one on them for quick adjustments.
"Over thinking, over analyzing, separates the body from the mind. Feed my will to feel this moment, urging me to cross the line. Reaching out to embrace the random. Reaching out to embrace whatever may come."